Cyberpunk 2077 Review
When you made a masterpiece like Witcher 3 (which for many is the best game in history), your job to make the next games becomes very, very difficult because no one expects a title less than Witcher. What I predicted before the release of Cyberpunk 2077 and after the game’s delays, happened for it, and the general controversy about the game and its technical problems reached to such an extent that it seems everyone forgot how big this game is. Anyway, in this review, we want to take a brief look at these topics. Stay tuned with us for Cyberpunk 2077 ‘s review.

Game innovations in the gameplay and its unique story are certainly enough reasons to experience the game, but annoying bugs prevent the game from reaching its true potential. If I want to describe this title in one sentence, I must say that “Cyberpunk 2077, despite its technical problems, is by no means a title that you can miss.”
Although the scores of Cyberpunk 2077 are very high and critics have given great points to this game, but with user controversies and technical problems, the game entered a new phase to the point that Sony removed it from its store. Anyway, one thing is clear and that is that Cyberpunk 2077 is not Witcher 3 and it did not meet the expectations of many. But with that, there is still no reason for Cyberpunk 2077 not to be a unique amazing game just because of the technical problems that can be solved with updates, especially on new generation consoles. We have not forgotten what controversy of technical graphics did to a unique title like A.C Unity, and now the same issues happens for Cyberpunk 2077. But I hope that the game situation will be much better in the future and with the updates. Witcher 3 had bugs and problems at launch too, but they all went away, and I hope this happens for Cyberpunk as well, because it is a masterpiece in all of its parts.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a great game, but due to its technical problems, it is still not the masterpiece we all expected. Of course, the game can easily become a masterpiece with effective updates because it has all the necessary elements and a really great job has been done on it to be amazing in every way
From a huge RPG game from the CD Project Red , you can expect a very beautiful story with many twists and turns. Fortunately, Cyberpunk has exactly this feature and CD Project should really be admired for the story of Cyberpunk 2077. The game world is so big and has so many different stories that there are definitely a few studios that can fit this amount of story and information into their game beautifully and not fail. In the middle of the game, when you think about the characters and events of the story, you will be surprised by their large volume, but the interesting thing is that you are familiar with all of them and it seems as if all this information is slowly injected into your brain to be completely in the heart of the story. The game slowly gives you important information about the past and motivation of the V character and other characters and allows you to fully connect with its story. The complex story of the game may will be dumb to you for a while, but with the introduction of more characters and more explanation about the characters, you will get out of confusion and you will gradually be able to put the characters and information about them, in every corner of your mind.

The voice acting of the characters is also amazing and this is what you realize from the beginning. The charisma of the game’s characters is evident even in their voices, and at the top is the Johnny Silverhand, who has the familiar voice of Keanu Reeves. In fact, the sound quality of the characters is on par with the best eighth generation games. The characters are so well sounded that each can be the main character of a video game.
Even sub-missions have beautiful stories. In fact, the sub-missions are tasked with capturing more of the current situation in Night City. The charm of the side quests story is not less than the main missions, and sometimes you may come to your senses and see how many hours you have been doing sub-missions and not noticing the passage of time. There are many reasons why the story of Cyberpunk 2077 is so heartwarming and takes the gamer along with it; But the most important reason is that most of the game’s characters are charismatic. Cyberpunk 2077 works its best in this and even the sub-characters are charismatic and important. The design, body movements, dialogues and background of the characters are really great. Johnny Silverhand’s sudden and explosive arrival (with the lovely Keanu Reevs) into the game is amazing, and as we get to know more about this character and his very important role in the story, we figure out that he is really wonderful and very lovable character, just like Keanu Reeves himself.

The gameplay and story of the game are completely related; For example, if you have developed a skill sufficiently, a special option will be available to you that you can choose to change the course of the story or prevent conflicts and problems (or vice versa). In terms of the impact of choices on the game’s story and gameplay, Cyberpunk 2077 should be a role model for RPGs. The charm of the side quests story is not less than the main missions, and sometimes you may come to your senses and see how many hours you have been doing sub-missions and not noticing the passage of time.
Every question that comes to your mind, the game will answer you directly or indirectly in the most beautiful way possible and will not leave the slightest excuse for objection. Your hand is open to different choices and changes in the story-line, and no choice is considered right or wrong. All of these options are available unless they lead to V’s death. At the beginning of the game you can choose one of the 3 story lines Street Kid, Nomad and Corpo. It is necessary to know that the choice of each of these 3 story lines will have the greatest impact in the Prologue section, and three completely different Prologues are designed for the game. But in the continuation of the game and from the beginning of Act 1, the main line of the story will be the same for all three; Of course, not that there will be no change in the different stories, but the main events and the structure of the game are the same, and you can have different choices in the dialogues due to your chosen story-line, which will make changes in the scenes and events of a mission. There are many such incidents, and there are so many choices for these story-lines, that you may have a completely different experience from one player to another.

The game world is so big and has so many different stories that there are definitely a few studios that can fit this amount of story and information into their game beautifully and not fail. In the middle of the game, when you think about the characters and events of the story, you will be surprised by their large volume, but the interesting thing is that you are familiar with all of them and it seems as if all this information is slowly injected into your brain to be completely in the heart of the story
The gameplay and story of the game are completely related; For example, if you have developed a skill sufficiently, a special option will be available to you that you can choose to change the course of the story or prevent conflicts and problems (or vice versa). In terms of the impact of choices on the game’s story and gameplay, Cyberpunk 2077 should be a role model for RPGs. Night City is a very large city with many stories that is beautifully designed as the game’s map. Driving in the game is good and has good physics. The speed of different cars is very different from each other, and the chase stages in the main story sections are enjoyable and inspire you a lot.

When it comes to the visual quality of Cyberpunk 2077, the first thing that catches your eye is the amazing visual quality of the game and its beautiful artistic and technical graphics. The unparalleled quality of the textures, the first-class lighting, the elaborate face design and the effects of the rain and the beautiful explosions, made the Cyberpunk 2077 a very beautiful title. The quality of the game textures is really on another level and they are so beautiful that even with a lot of zoom on them, they do not lose any of their quality
The design of the game stages is definitely one of its best features. The gameplay gives you many possibilities and due to these possibilities, very enjoyable stages have been designed. It is almost impossible to get tired or bored of the designing of game’s stages. The main stages of the game are incredibly well designed and you have to do activities during the main stages such as fights and conflicts, chases, hacking, talking and choosing dialogues, finding a special device or stealth, each of which is beautifully made. The sub-stages, as we explained in the story section, are excellent, and due to the connection between the main story and the sub-missions, we also see enjoyable gameplay in these quests. The design of some sub-stages is similar to the main missions of other titles in this genre.

In fact, the main reasons of the instability in enjoying the game, are these big bugs of the game. Unfortunately, some of these bugs are game breaking, and you know that game breaking bugs are one of the most annoying problems that can exist in a video game, and unfortunately Cyberpunk 2077 suffers from this problem. Things like not completing a main mission after completing it and having to re-run the game, not updating the mission and the need to reload are such cases. These bugs are not acceptable at all and there is no reason other than the lack of work. Just one or two encounters with these bugs can make your whole gaming experience bitter
Fighting with firearms is the most frequent gameplay activity, and fortunately, the game has enjoyable role-playing, struggles and conflicts. Its gameplay does not convey to you the feeling of being heavy and different shooting experience with each weapon, but you will have a good experience with it. The relatively high number of gun kicks and the lack of ammunition, sometimes challenge you in combat, and weapons such as SATA, which also have special capabilities, makes you not get tired of this part at all. In the meantime, we should not forget the mods of weapons, which have played a great role in the positive experience of this section. The game exploration system also exceeds expectations of a role playing game and we see an effective exploration system. There is also the ability to shoot from behind the cover in the game, which plays a big role in your enjoyment of the shooting part of the game. Another part of the gameplay is related to the hacking system, which plays a very vital role in the game and is almost not a stage without hacking.

There are many reasons why the story of Cyberpunk 2077 is so heartwarming and takes the gamer along with it; But the most important reason is that most of the game’s characters are charismatic. Cyberpunk 2077 works its best in this and even the sub-characters are charismatic and important. The design, body movements, dialogues and background of the characters are really great. Johnny Silverhand’s sudden and explosive arrival (with the lovely Keanu Reevs) into the game is amazing, and as we get to know more about this character and his very important role in the story, we figure out that he is really wonderful and very lovable character, just like Keanu Reeves himself
When it comes to the visual quality of Cyberpunk 2077, the first thing that catches your eye is the amazing visual quality of the game and its beautiful artistic and technical graphics. The unparalleled quality of the textures, the first-class lighting, the elaborate face design and the effects of the rain and the beautiful explosions, made the Cyberpunk 2077 a very beautiful title. The quality of the game textures is really on another level and they are so beautiful that even with a lot of zoom on them, they do not lose any of their quality. The heavy and detailed textures designed in the game world have created an environment that you will never get tired of looking at its components. Something that impairs this extraordinary quality, are the graphic bugs and issues, the late loading of the textures on the HDD and the weak animations of the game’s enemies. Unfortunately, garphic bugs are a big part of this game and it is so influential in your experience that it can make your experience unpleasant.

At the beginning of the game you can choose one of the 3 story lines Street Kid, Nomad and Corpo. It is necessary to know that the choice of each of these 3 story lines will have the greatest impact in the Prologue section, and three completely different Prologues are designed for the game. But in the continuation of the game and from the beginning of Act 1, the main line of the story will be the same for all three; Of course, not that there will be no change in the different stories, but the main events and the structure of the game are the same, and you can have different choices in the dialogues due to your chosen story-line, which will make changes in the scenes and events of a mission
In fact, the main reasons of the instability in enjoying the game, are these big bugs of the game. Unfortunately, some of these bugs are game breaking, and you know that game breaking bugs are one of the most annoying problems that can exist in a video game, and unfortunately Cyberpunk 2077 suffers from this problem. Things like not completing a main mission after completing it and having to re-run the game, not updating the mission and the need to reload are such cases. These bugs are not acceptable at all and there is no reason other than the lack of work. Just one or two encounters with these bugs can make your whole gaming experience bitter. There are other obvious bugs in the gameplay that while not a hindrance to your progress, strangely make the gaming experience unpleasant. If we want to talk about the physics of the game and the environment, we must say that the game works satisfactorily in this field and the physics of the game is in a good state. The destructibility of the environment is realistic, and you can even use broken glass and equipment to be in a better location in shooting. While driving, we see good destructibility of the environment and the proper physics of the cars, and in general, the game gets an acceptable score in this regard.

Fighting with firearms is the most frequent gameplay activity, and fortunately, the game has enjoyable role-playing, struggles and conflicts. Its gameplay does not convey to you the feeling of being heavy and different shooting experience with each weapon, but you will have a good experience with it. The relatively high number of gun kicks and the lack of ammunition, sometimes challenge you in combat, and weapons such as SATA, which also have special capabilities, makes you not get tired of this part at all
The sound and music of the game is one of the best of this year. The game’s music catches your ear from the very beginning of the menu and you will probably look for its name for download. The soundtrack and car radio’s songs are one of the most beautiful and it feels like a cyberpunk theme. relaxing and exciting music are both of good quality and get the right rhythm at the right time. The voice acting of the characters is also amazing and this is what you realize from the beginning. The charisma of the game’s characters is evident even in their voices, and at the top is the Johnny Silverhand, who has the familiar voice of Keanu Reeves. In fact, the sound quality of the characters is on par with the best eighth generation games. The characters are so well sounded that each can be the main character of a video game.

We have not forgotten what controversy of technical graphics did to a unique title like A.C Unity, and now the same issues happens for Cyberpunk 2077. But I hope that the game situation will be much better in the future and with the updates. Witcher 3 had bugs and problems at launch too, but they all went away, and I hope this happens for Cyberpunk as well, because it is a masterpiece in all of its parts.
Cyberpunk 2077 is a great game, but due to its technical problems, it is still not the masterpiece we all expected. Of course, the game can easily become a masterpiece with effective updates because it has all the necessary elements and a really great job has been done on it to be amazing in every way. Game innovations in the gameplay and its unique story are certainly enough reasons to experience the game, but annoying bugs prevent the game from reaching its true potential. If I want to describe this title in one sentence, I must say that “Cyberpunk 2077, despite its technical problems, is by no means a title that you can miss.”
Amazing Braindance system, Cinematics with beautiful direction, Amazing voice acting of all the character, Beautiful story and narration, Excellent characterization of main and secondary characters, Great impact of the choices on the storyline and gameplay, Three different story lines, Johnny Silverhand, Night City, Very good side quests, Enjoyable shooting and exploration system, Proper implementation of driving section, Variety of main and secondary stages and their appropriate length of time, Diverse hacking capabilities and its innovative mini-game, Complete skill tree, The direct impact of your skills in advancing stories and dialogues, The characters’ realistic reaction to your behaviors in the story section, Beautiful graphics, Very good visual quality, Extensive and complete graphics settings in the PC version, Amazing lighting, Excellent detail of faces, Beautiful music
Poor NPC’s AI, Ridiculous police chase system, Incomplete description of the game about some mechanisms, Frame rate instability, Lost potential of parkour, There is no animation for various actions such as connecting cyber components, Lots of bugs and game issues, Sound Skipping, Annoying late loading of textures on HDD