Concord Is Sony’s Biggest Failure

News September 22, 2024, 9:21 pm

Sony’s long-awaited multiplayer shooter, Concord, has faced an unexpected and big failure, marking a major setback for the gaming company. Released on August 23, 2024, this game was expected to be a huge success, but it quickly became clear that Concord was having a hard time competing in the gaming world.


Right from the start, the launch numbers were disappointing. Concord began with just 697 players at the same time on Steam – a surprisingly low number for such a high-profile game. This was even more surprising since Firewalk Studios, the developer, is known for its skilled team. Despite their efforts, Concord couldn’t capture the attention of a wider group of gamers. Reviewers didn’t hate it, but their feedback was just okay. IGN gave it a score of 7/10, showing that while the game was well-made, it wasn’t exciting enough.

Why the Game Failed

There were several reasons why Concord failed. The biggest problem was that the game didn’t stand out in the crowded hero shooter market. Popular games like Overwatch and Apex Legends were already very successful, and Concord couldn’t offer anything new or exciting. Critics said the game’s characters felt boring, and the map designs didn’t have the creativity needed to keep players interested.

Marketing was another major problem. Many experts pointed out that Sony didn’t do enough to get people excited about the game before it was released. On top of that, the game’s high price made it less attractive, especially when compared to other popular games that offered more value for money.

The financial losses from Concord’s failure are quite serious. After spending eight years making the game, it sold only about 25,000 copies, a very low number for such a big project. Because of this, Sony had to remove the game from stores and even offered full refunds to everyone who bought it, showing just how serious the situation was.

What it means for the industry

The failure of Concord has started many conversations in the gaming world about how hard it is to launch new games in a market that’s already full of similar options. It has shown that being different, creative, and having good marketing is very important for a new game’s success. For other game makers, Concord is a clear example of the risks that come with making expensive games.

In the end, Concord’s downfall shows how unpredictable the gaming industry can be. Even with talented developers and a lot of money, the game failed to connect with players. As Sony and Firewalk Studios take time to rethink their plans, it’s clear that the lessons learned here will guide their future projects.

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