Resident Evil is one of those titles that even hearing its name makes me a bit excited. It’s something that I’ve grew up on and always had a deep appreciation for its developers. Last year’s Resident Evil 2 Remake was the best Resident Evil game that I had played since Resident Evil 4. It was a remake of an already incredible game and it did a good job satisfying the old fans and attracting new ones. All in all it was one of the best experiences of 2019 and a real money-maker for Capcom. After the success of Resident Evil 2 Remake, it was quite predictable that Capcom will make other remakes of this super popular series. It didn’t take too long for them to introduce Resident Evil 3 Remake late in 2019, and finally it’s here! Raccoon City is full of zombies that look scarier than ever and just like the original game, you’ll play as Jill and Carlos, the game’s main protagonists that thank to Capcom’s RE Engine, now have recognizable faces!
Resident Evil 3 Remake is too similar to the previous remake, which is a good thing and bad thing. The good part is, Resident Evil 2 Remake was a near-perfect experience and one of the best Resident Evil games ever made. So being similar to a game like that, is not only great, but considering the short gap between releasing of these two titles, it was totally expected. But on the other hand, nobody put Capcom in a hurry to make the second remake within a year. Though playing the game is a great fun, but seeing the wasted potentials here and there is not very hard. I assume a part of it is because of a different development team, but the other part is probably the company’s policy to make more money in a shorter period of time. Don’t get me wrong, Resident Evil 3 Remake is absolutely amazing and you’ll have so much fun playing it, but a solid remake like Resident Evil 2 Remake? probably not.

Resident Evil 3 Remake is absolutely amazing and you’ll have so much fun playing it, but a solid remake like Resident Evil 2 Remake? probably not.
Story-wise, the remake version of Resident Evil 3 feels more mature and even more realistic. Characters like Jill and Carlos are well-developed and a lot of the original corny jokes, are now turned into decent sarcastic dialogues. The main story line is the same original plot, which happens a little before the events of Resident Evil 2, and it ends after those events. They’ve changed some parts of the main plot, which has not really damaged the game, but remaking the whole thing would have been a better choice. Cutting off some parts of the story, means cutting off the game content, which is one of the main problems with Resident Evil 3 Remake. The game feels short and incomplete. Especially if you’re an old fan of the series, you’ll be disappointed to know that some locations like Clock Tower, Raccoon City Park or even the Dead Factory do not make an appearance in the remake version or are heavily abridged.

Cutting off some parts of the story, means cutting off the game content, which is one of the main problems with Resident Evil 3 Remake. The game feels short and incomplete.
Though for newer fans who have never played the original Resident Evil 3, it may not be incomplete, but it’s still short. The first playthrough takes something around 5 to 6 hours of your time and there’s no Mercenaries or new game plus after that. Although the replay value is still high. There are a number of things that you can buy by earning points during your playthroughs. Unlockable items like an infinite ammo rocket launcher, a classic Jill Valentine costume and a special Umbrella knife that sets zombies on fire, are enough reasons to start the game over and over again. Not only that, but also there are two hidden difficulties (Nightmare and Inferno) that will be unlocked after finishing the game on hardcore difficulty.
Yes, the game feels short, but it also feels great. First of all, Raccoon City looks incredible. Unlike Resident Evil 2, this time around you won’t be walking through narrow corridors and claustrophobic environments all the time. You may think that wider environments may kill the horror vibe, but it usually doesn’t. Although, the original Resident Evil 3 was a bit more action oriented than Resident Evil 2, so expect that to be applied in the remake version as well. Everything in this game is perfectly crafted and runs very smoothly. Honestly Resident Evil 3 Remake is one of the best looking games of 2020 so far and the it seems that the RE engine, works quite fine for Capcom. The overall atmosphere of the game is great and there’s nothing that developers could do to make it look better than what it does right now.

Honestly Resident Evil 3 Remake is one of the best looking games of 2020 so far and the it seems that the RE engine, works quite fine for Capcom.
The gameplay is also really good. The weapons are almost the same ones that you had in Resident EVil 2 Remake, but they work just fine. Just like Leon and Claire in RE2 Remake, Jill and Carlos have their own weapons that the other one can’t use. Early in the game, you can find a nice shotgun for Jill which comes quite handy. Also in the mid game there’s a grenade launcher waiting for her, and finally there’s a magnum somewhere in the hospital which you may have a hard time finding it. On the other hand, Carlos has his assault rifle and both can use a handgun to kill the zombies as well. There are lots of weapon upgrades in the game that some of them are easier to get than the others; so just don’t forget to shoot Nemesis, he may have special stuff for you! Though for the most part, enemies are the same ones you saw in Resident Evil 2 Remake, you’ll face new enemies like Hunter Beta which goes straight for your neck and its only weakness is its face!

Though for the most part, enemies are the same ones you saw in Resident Evil 2 Remake, There are some new enemies like Hunter Beta which goes straight for your neck and its only weakness is its face!
But the main reason that separates Resident Evil 3 from any other title in this series, is Nemesis. One of the Umbrella’s finest bio-weapons, sent to kill Jill Valentine and the other members of S.T.A.R.S. If you’ve played the original Resident Evil 3, you know this sinister creature very well. It’s probably one of the most die-hard monsters in the history of video games and a type of boss you want to see in your game. Not knowing when and how he’s going to show up, was the main reason why Resident Evil 3: Nemesis was so tense and exciting. But how’s the 2020 version of this monster? Does he make a thrilling appearance or like many other things, the classic version of it is better? Well, it may still be a mighty enemy but it’s nowhere near how intimidating the original one was. First of all, the new Nemesis is very predictable. He only appears when he should appear and unfortunately this does not build enough tension for the gamer to be scared. In the first playthrough he’s still a bit thrilling, but overall he’s just a faster version of Mr X and does not bring much to table. Nemesis has different stages. First he just tries to punch you and each time you defeat him, he becomes a wilder version of himself. But in none of this stages he feels hard to defeat. Even on hardcore difficulty, you can defeat the final stage Nemesis in like 5-7 minutes or so, and it’s really disappointing to be honest. Overall Resident Evil 3 Remake is an easier game than Resident Evil 2 Remake and if you’re familiar with this type of games, you won’t find it hard to beat in a few hours.

Nemesis has different stages. First he just tries to punch you and each time you defeat him, he becomes a wilder version of himself. But in none of this stages he feels hard to defeat. Even on hardcore difficulty, you can defeat the final stage Nemesis in like 5-7 minutes or so.
As I said, Resident Evil 3 is more action oriented than it’s survival horror. So there are more ammo boxes around, more health sprays and herbs, and even more weapon parts. Also this time around, the knives won’t break after you use them for a couple of times and you can use your knife whenever you want. On the other hand, both characters can dash and dodge attacks. Also if you dodge at the right time, for Jill time slows down and she can focus on her aim, and for Carlos, he just power-punches the enemy in the face! It feels different and nice to try these little changes in the gameplay. What doesn’t feel nice, is that the developers have cut off all the puzzles in the game! There’s just one or two really easy puzzles in the game that doesn’t even require thinking! There were some cool puzzles in the original game that could’ve been returned, but for some reason there are no puzzles in the remake version.

Both characters can dash and dodge attacks. Also if you dodge at the right time, for Jill time slows down and she can focus on her aim, and for Carlos, he just power-punches the enemy in the face!
The sound design for the remake version is top-notch. Just like the previous game, there are a lot of details when it comes to sound. This, helps the game to feel more alive and makes it an immersive experience. Also the save room music reminds you of the series’ classic titles and other tracks are quite good as well.
Resident Evil 3 comes with another title, named Resident Evil: Resistance, which is an online game. It goes without saying that the Resident Evil titles are story based games and when it comes to online experience, they can’t do really well. Resistance is the proof that some games are just better off without the online mode. Overall it’s a decent game mode, but it has nothing interesting to add to the main game.

RE: Resistance is the proof that some games are just better off without the online mode.
In my opinion, Resident Evil 3 Remake is a great game and it doesn’t have any major issues that cause you to regret buying it. Though if you’re an old fan, you may find the original game much more interesting. Also the game is a bit pricey for what it offers, so if you’re not a fan, you can wait until there’s a better deal for it. Try not to miss it though, This game is really fun!