Legendary Video Game Director, “Hidetaka Miyazaki”, and His Creative Team in From Software, Have Become a part of the Video Games History By Creating “Demon Souls” which then Followed By Development and release of “Dark souls” Trilogy and “Bloodborne”. They proved that Even Excruciating Difficulty And Numberless Deaths could be Enjoyable Too. If The Formula and Design is Perfect. Before Release of From Software Hardcore Games, There were Not Many Options for
Those who had an Insatiable Desire For Insanely Difficult Games. These Gamers knew they are still Unfulfilled. They Desired For more. They Demanded Video Games with Brutal Difficulty. And That’s Where From Software Did their magic…
Successful Release of From Software Hardcore Games, Like “Dark souls” trilogy, Greatly Inspired Other Developers to start working on “hardcore” games. When we’re talking about Hardcore Games, we mean Difficult games in which Death is Frequent and Beating these games, for the first time Is Brutally hard.
Tema Ninja Studio, was one of the Studios Which Tried to use Successful Formula of From Software games. But Team ninja didn’t want to simply Imitate From Software Formula. They wanted their game to have a unique Identity. And That’s how Nioh was born. Although it’s worth mentioning that Team ninja had plan for Developing a same game for years, but Finally, they got the chance to work on their Project after yeras in The eight Generation.
After Successful release of Nioh, which Received Very positive Reviews and also Sold more than 2 Million copies within the first year which was a Success (Considering Nioh was a Hardcore game and it wasn’t a Good Choice for everybody), fans Enthusiastically Demanded a Sequel. Nioh’s First Journey was great, But fans Wanted another Long Memorable journey In World of Nioh. And they Got what they wanted. NIOH 2…
Nioh 2, unlike what the name may suggest, is actually a Prequel. NIOH 2 Starts in 1555 almost 50 years before the Events of the first game. This time, we don’t take the role of Adam Williams. This time, players have the Option to Create Their Character Down to the Smallest Details. “Character Creation” system is Impressive and tons of Customization Options are available to choose From. After Creating your Character, you Start your Eventful Journey.
Truth be Told, no one plays Games like Nioh For their Story or plot. Nioh 2 is not a Story Driven game nor it tries to be. Story and Events in Nioh 2 are like a Salad. Not a Complete meal.
Like its predecessor, the story is a small portion of the game. There are a few entertaining moments and interactions
Between your Character and your partner, Tokichiro who is undoubtedly the most Important Supportive Character in the Entire game. But in the End, most of the Characters lack The Enough Depth. I’m fully aware That games like Nioh 2 don’t need Strong Narration and Deep, Realistic Characters. But the thing is, the Setting (Sengoku) had so much potential which left unused. Which is a Shame

We can’t Call Nioh 2 a Masterpiece in Visuals. But Still Visuals are good and Using A Wide Variety of Colors in Designing Buildings and Enemies Should be Enough for most people out there. Also having the option to choose from Different Mode like Action mode or Movie mode(which Change The Frame rate and Resolution) is a very pleasant option.I personally Recommend the Action Mode Because Fast-paced Games like Nioh 2 should be played on 60 FPS
Combat is where Nioh 2 shines brightest. Like its predecessor, Combat has a lot of depth because of the new Gameplay Features like: Burst counter and Yokai Form.
First let’s talk about Burst Attacks.
Burst Attack is an insanely powerful move that can easily one-hit kill you if it Successfully lands. Thankfully, Burst Attacks are well telegraphed so you Know when they’re coming, and you can then unleash a Burst Counter to not only negate the move, but also do additional Ki damage to that foe and turn the tides of the battle. Each Yokai Shift form has its own timing on the counter, so you’ll need to figure out which gives you the best success—but it’s Still Risky. Perform a Burst counter and you can get the upper Hand, Screw it and you’ll get killed Immediately. Is it a Risk you’re willing to take? Well it’s Your call but know this: if you master Burst Counter, it can Help you Greatly in Harder Battles. Still the choice is yours!
Now let’s talk about Yokai Mode. In Nioh 2,
Instead of building up enough charge to enter your limited-time Living Weapon state of invincibility like before, you’ll transform using Yokai Shift – a similar Ability With Some Interesting Differences. This beastly Mode has three forms: Brute, Feral, and Phantom. They all handle differently. Brute for example, can stagger Enemies.
That’s not All. you’re now able to obtain Soul Cores for your Guardian Spirit, not only adding additional damage and defense, but also unique abilities that are slowly replenished over time. You Can Extract Soul Cores From Downed Enemies and After Obtaining them, you need to purify them at a Shrine to be able to Equip it. But what do Souls Core Do? Well you can briefly summon them to do a powerful attack. These attacks are extremely strong but They use your magic gauge, which is also Required for the burst counter. The attacks are Useful, but I Used These Attacks Sporadically since running out of Magic for burst counters can be far more lethal than taking longer to defeat enemies.

If you’ve Played The First Game, Then you will Feel Deep sense of Familiarity the Moment you Start playing Nioh 2. Different Stances(Low, Medium and High), Shrines Menus, Inventory Management, Level Up system, Ki Pulse and Basically every Important Mechanism and Features From the First game are present in Nioh 2. Which is not a Bad thing Because Combining Features and Mechanism of The First game, with New Features Like Burst Counter and Yokai Transformation Has led to A great, Deep Combat System.
Like the first Game, and Unlike Soulsborne, Nioh 2 doesn’t Use an interconnected World. Instead, Nioh 2 uses separate levels rather than a single, continuous world. This means each level has a different Atmosphere and style. you need to Choose your Level from The World map then you Start The Level and Start Killing Yokai and Humanoid Enemies. I must say this Old School level Design Completely Suits Nioh 2 and Team Ninja Has made A Clever Decision Using Separate, Unique Levels.
If you’ve Played The First Game, Then you will Feel Deep sense of Familiarity the Moment you Start playing Nioh 2. Different Stances(Low, Medium and High), Shrines Menus, Inventory Management, Level Up system, Ki Pulse and Basically every Important Mechanism and Features From the First game are present in Nioh 2. Which is not a Bad thing Because Combining Features and Mechanism of The First game, with New Features Like Burst Counter and Yokai Transformation Has led to A great, Deep Combat System.

Combat is where Nioh 2 shines brightest. Like its predecessor, Combat has a lot of depth because of the new Gameplay Features like: Burst counter and Yokai Form. First let’s talk about Burst Attacks. Burst Attack is an insanely powerful move that can easily one-hit kill you if it Successfully lands. Thankfully, Burst Attacks are well telegraphed so you Know when they’re coming, and you can then unleash a Burst Counter to not only negate the move, but also do additional Ki damage to that foe and turn the tides of the battle
But Side missions Are Where I got a little bit Disappointed. They’re Fun. But the Thing is They may get Repetitive after A couple of Hours. I’d Really Appreciate Depth in Side Missions Because in Nioh 2, Side Missions are simply Means to Acquiring Amirta and Leveling Up.
We can’t Call Nioh 2 a Masterpiece in Visuals. But Still Visuals are good and Using A Wide Variety of Colors in Designing Buildings and Enemies Should be Enough for most people out there. Also having the option to choose from Different Mode like Action mode or Movie mode(which Change The Frame rate and Resolution) is a very pleasant option.I personally Recommend the Action Mode Because Fast-paced Games like Nioh 2 should be played on 60 FPS.
Some people May Call Nioh 2 an Upgraded Version of the First game or Nioh 1.5. but Truth Be Told, Nioh 2 has it’s Unique Identity. It’s true that Most Features have Remained Unchanged, But Nioh 2 has Some interesting Tricks Up it’s Sleeves. Long Story Short, if You liked the First game, you’re going to Love Nioh 2!