The Call of Duty franchise has long been celebrated for its immersive storytelling, engaging gameplay, and intricate depiction of historical and fictional conflicts. As one of the most...
Ferdinand (2017) is an American comedy produced by Blue Sky Studios. it is loosely based on Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson’s 1936 children’s book The Story of Ferdinand, written by Robert L....
How good it is for a company to have the skills to build good games and make money from them, as well as respect for the customer. Customer...
Like many works of art, some games are so popular among fans of the industry that it will be difficult or impossible for most people to accept the...
Quantum Break is an action-adventure third-person shooter video game. Players play as Jack Joyce, a person with time manipulation powers in a world where time stutters, making everything...
Have you ever paid attention to video game characters’ words? Undoubtedly many of gamers are interested in the script of their favorite games. Now it’s time to become...
Happy Norooz! Although it is late, but we hope that this little gift will compensate for the delay! Download the newly released issue of Gamefa’s Digital Magazine for...